Mmm.. relaxed start.

Well, I’m up in Leicestershire now ready for a 9am start on my course. SharePoint 2007 Administration with Combine-Knowledge. I’ll put a review of the course up on the SUGUK forums later this week.

Something about a relaxing start in a hotel room, whats especially nice is that I don’t actually have to leave the hotel and travel to another location for the training, Combined Knowledge rent a whole boardroom here and set-up the labs on-site.

And on another note, completely un-related to SharePoint, Have you seen the plans for the ‘Council Tax Inspectors’? An article in this mornings Daily Mail shows that these new house inspectors will look at things like Peace and Quiet, Good Schools and clean streets? Does this mean I’ll get a discount because of the Asbo kids that live next door? My council tax already costs me £140.00 a month, My salary does’t climb the same amount each year, Surely we will reach saturation at some point where all the taxes add up and equal more than the incoming?

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