SharePoint Virtual Summit – May 16th 2017 Microsoft may have started a trend with last years May the Fourth SharePoint event where they released the SharePoint Framework, following it up with the SharePoint Virtual Summit today. Adding to some of the announcements that were made at Build last week SharePoint, OneDrive and yes even Yammer …
Mar 14
Microsoft Teams – General Availability
Microsoft Teams reached General availability stage today, that’s the point at which Microsoft declare a product is ready for production consumption, despite the fact that a lot of us have been using the product in some form in production for some time. This is a great achievement by the Teams product group For me the …
Mar 10
Azure AD Group Based Licensing – Remediation of Errors
In the previous blog post we took a look at Azure AD Group Based Licensing for Office 365 which went into Preview a couple of weeks ago. In this post, we’ll take a look at Remediation of Errors which occur when Azure tries to apply the licenses to users. This video shows the assignment of …
Mar 09
Azure AD Group based licensing in Office 365
I decided to take a different approach to talking about Azure AD Group based licensing for Office 365 with this post and decided to pop up a quick 10 minute video demo of it in action. Azure AD Group based licensing came into preview in the new Azure Portal about 2 weeks ago now and …
Feb 24
PowerShell access to the Graph API
If you’ve been living under a rock in the Office 365 world recently, you may not have heard about the Microsoft Graph. (“One Endpoint to rule them all“). But if you haven’t been under a rock then you’ll know that Microsoft is intending to surface all of the various REST endpoints that currently exist on …
Feb 23
Don’t mess with the ListItemID managed property in SPO!
This post could also be known as the “Case of Microsoft and the HTTP/601 error” as it was certainly a mystery and took the combined efforts of myself and Microsoft to resolve the issue and trace it to the ListItemID managed metadata mapping! I’ve recently been working on a document management solution for a client …
Jan 29
Office 2013 ProPlus no longer available via the Office 365 portal
We knew this was coming, although it was announced back in September 2015 so I would imagine a lot of people have forgotten all about it, but as from 1st March 2017 your users will no longer be able to download the Office 2013 Version of software from the Office 365 portal. This message has …
Jan 01
Hello blog, I’ve missed you!
The latter end of 2016 has been pretty manic and the blogging definitely suffered as a result which I hope to fix this year (but won’t make any promises either as 2017 is starting full on!) Last January I was awarded MVP status for the first time and it really just kick started a an …
Oct 16
SharePoint Saturday Belgium 2016–Wrap-up
I’ve just got back from Belgium after attending one of my favourite SharePoint Saturdays. It’s not just because of the beer and chocolate either, the event is always well organised, well attended and always well managed from start to finish. So a big thank you to the organisers and my good friends Thomas Vochten, Elio Struyf …
Oct 01
Microsoft have fixed column creation names in the modern library experience!
If you’ve ever been to one of my SharePoint Saturday or Conference sessions, you’ll know how much I like to beat on about Internal Name Pain. One of the worst culprits for this has always been the Quick Edit functionality that first reared its head in SharePoint 2013 (And still exists in Sp2016 (pre-Feature Pack …