Christmas 2015 won’t go down as one of my best Christmas periods ever due to a particularly nasty bout of flu, you know the kind where just thinking of moving sets you coughing, sneezing and generally feeling rubbish? Luckily I’m over the worst and we were able to see in the new year with a suitable amount of alcohol and enjoyment of the London fireworks.
This morning was a particularly lazy start and as the afternoon set in, I was pleased to start seeing the trickle of MVP renewal announcements coming into my facebook feeds from friends and colleagues all over the SharePoint and Office 365 Community. In case you’re not familiar with the MVP programme, it’s an award from Microsoft that is granted to community members based on their input and efforts in the previous year, it’s not something you can study and take an exam for, and if I’m honest, it’s kind of a black art to understand how people are selected as there are some great community members and leaders out there that do not hold MVP status.
Although I had received some nominations in the last 6 months, my e-mail was staying particularly quiet so I didn’t get my hopes up… until I clicked into my Junk mail folder and saw the title “Congratulations 2016 MVP Award”… My heart skipped a beat when I realised that my time had come and I had received my very first ever MVP award!
So, what does this mean for my community involvement this year? Well if I’m honest, not a great deal as I shall continue to submit and hopefully speak at the events that I was intending to anyway, I’ve already submitted to SPC Adriatics, SPS Copenhagen and I look forward to hearing whether we’ll see Belgium, Munich, Oslo and Stockholm on the list of events this year. If we do, there’s a good chance I’ll be there in some capacity!
I’m absolutely humbled and honoured to be a part of the MVP programme, it’s something that I have aspired to for a long time and have always held the MVPs that I know in high regard, so to join the ranks is an awesome feeling and I look forward to getting out in the community as much as possible this year!
Thank you for your support.