Category: CBSWP

Announcing #SPCSR – A community project


it all started with a very innocent tweet and a picture of me working propped on my suitcase in a train waiting room on the way home from SharePoint Saturday Belgium. Marc Anderson quickly replied, giving voice to what a few of us have been contemplating for sometime… and others swiftly followed! And thus #SPCSR …

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Avoiding SharePoint Internal Name Pain

For the majority of users, the inner workings of SharePoint don’t hold much interest, but there is one aspect that you might find worthwhile to understand, especially if you are responsible for creating lists or libraries that yourself or others may want to customise later with XSLT, DisplayTemplates or even access using the Client Side …

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WCM – Image Renditions in SharePoint 2013

Introducing Image Renditions In SharePoint 2013. One of the great improvements in SharePoint 2013 is the introduction of Image Renditions. This feature allows content editors to upload images that are then automatically re-sized according to pre-defined rules for use within the website. These re-sized images can then be used in document roll-ups and pages, reducing …

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