A colleague of mine (Thank you Iain!) posed a question to me today of how to remove the links that appear whenever you use a lookup column to another list. Sometimes this behaviour doesn’t make any sense and just confuses the end user. (Microsoft.. please add a tick box when creating lookup fields to remove this!) …
Category: SharePoint Designer 2010
Apr 18
Avoiding SharePoint Internal Name Pain
For the majority of users, the inner workings of SharePoint don’t hold much interest, but there is one aspect that you might find worthwhile to understand, especially if you are responsible for creating lists or libraries that yourself or others may want to customise later with XSLT, DisplayTemplates or even access using the Client Side …
Mar 30
XML in SharePoint Search Pt. 2
Intro and History of XML XML in SharePoint 101 XML in SharePoint Search Pt. 1 XML in SharePoint Search Pt. 2 (This post) Using XSLT with Search Core Results Web part In my last post I talked about how to use the Federated Locations area within the Search Service Application to deliver custom XSLT to …
Mar 21
Hear me roar!
So I finally got around to it and plucked up the courage to join the speaking circuit. Let me tell you, I now have even more respect for those colleagues of mine in the User group domain that regularly stand up in front of a large audience of their peers voluntarily to share their knowledge. …
Sep 18
XML in SharePoint 101
This post is part of a series of notes that I’m putting together regarding XML within SharePoint. Intro and History of XML XML in SharePoint 101 (This post) XML in SharePoint Search Pt1 XML in SharePoint Search Pt. 2 So just where does XML feature in SharePoint? The answer to this question is EVERYWHERE! You …
Mar 26
Using SharePoint hosted infopath documents as contents in a SharePoint page.
In a recent project, I was creating a contracts management portal within SharePoint. As part of the contracts request process, the sales team were able to link info path documents that represented each of the service lines that formed the contract. Each of these service line documents (InfoPath forms) formed the basic service outline and …
Mar 02
Don’t believe everything you read.
I’m doing some work with Nintex workflows at the moment. For those of you that don’t know Nintex Workflow 2010, it’s built on the Windows Workflow Foundation, using the SharePoint workflow engine. As a quick workflow creation tool, it’s a vast improvement over SharePoint Deisgner 2010, but at the heart, it is using SharePoint workflows …
Feb 24
SPD2010 Reusable workflows with dynamic security groups through workflow lookups
Recently I worked with a client that required a central expenses process. This process was going to use a global reusable workflow process, but had to have security configured at a local level. This gave us some problems as SPD global reusable workflows don’t have any visibility of local groups during the creation phase. To …