I’ve just spent the last two days at Microsoft Ignite the Tour – London edition staffing both the asks the experts and the demo booths in the hub area. It’s been a great experience and I’ve had some fantastic conversations with people using all aspects of Microsoft 365. On the demo booth I had the …
Category: OneDrive For Business
May 16
SharePoint Virtual Summit wrap-up
SharePoint Virtual Summit – May 16th 2017 Microsoft may have started a trend with last years May the Fourth SharePoint event where they released the SharePoint Framework, following it up with the SharePoint Virtual Summit today. Adding to some of the announcements that were made at Build last week SharePoint, OneDrive and yes even Yammer …
Sep 06
Pre-populating OneDrive containers in an Education tenancy
Looks like I’ve been neglecting the blog a bit over the last few months, mainly due to being very busy a long migration project that has taken a lot of my time up. That said it has given me a lot of material to think about and potentially blog about too! The first aspect that …
Apr 01
Think before you give your Office 365 a tenancy name!
One question that comes up time and again in engagements is “Can I change the URL for SharePoint Online to match my domain name?” and the short answer is no.. whatever you made your tenancy name when you created it, is what will form the URL for SharePoint and OneDrive and other URL based services (E.g. …
May 08
OneDrive For Business – Roadmap and future!
This breakdown comes from two individual sessions from Ignite that I’ve sat and watched. The first is the roadmap and overview for OneDrive, the second was a deeper dive into the Sync client itself and the move towards a unified experience. http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Ignite/2015/BRK2192 – A file’s future with OneDrive for Business, the roadmap and overview http://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Ignite/2015/BRK4110 …