SharePoint Saturday Belgium 2016–Wrap-up

I’ve just got back from Belgium after attending one of my favourite SharePoint Saturdays. It’s not just because of the beer and chocolate either, the event is always well organised, well attended and always well managed from start to finish. So a big thank you to the organisers and my good friends Thomas Vochten, Elio Struyf and all the BIWUG team for SharePoint Saturday Belgium 2016.

I actually got the chance to attend a few sessions as well starting with David Oppendries talking about getting started with TypeScript, something that I suspect a lot of people in the developer space haven’t really looked at yet, but with the soon to reach primetime SharePoint Framework, it’s going to be something we need to get to grips with!

Next I attended Albert-Jan Schot’s session on leveraging the power of Office 365 groups including an in-depth look at connectors and the integration with the Office Graph API, neither of which I’ve really played with in any depth however the Connector framework is really interesting to me for a couple of projects that I’m involved with so I may be taking a deeper look at these in the near future.

After that it was time to support one of my fellow Brit speakers, Peter Baddeley talking about the challenges of implementing Document Management in Office 365. Primarily a business focussed session, he looked at the tools and capabilities as well as how these could be wrapped into a suitable roadmap for success in your particular organisation. A very well thought out session that I thoroughly enjoyed!.

After lunch it was my turn to present my latest session entitled “Exploring Identity Management options for Office 365 (Click the link for the slides!)”. This was my first ever non-SharePoint session and I have to say I really enjoyed presenting it. I felt the session flowed well and the general feedback I had was that the audience enjoyed the session and understood the information I was trying to present. It was very difficult to fit everything that I wanted to into 50 minutes, and I think I’ll be making a couple of minor changes to the running order before I present it at next weeks SharePoint Saturday in Oslo (Where I’ll also be presenting one of my Display Templates sessions on building a Whereabouts List.)

As a dedicated member of the SharePoint community since 2007, I of course had to follow the custom of attending the SharePint and enjoying a beer or two at the Sponsors expense, without who of course these events would not be possible! So thank you once more to all of the sponsors at SPSBE!

  • Nintex
  • Tobania
  • Acceleratio
  • Devoteam
  • GFI
  • Metalogix
  • Ordina
  • RealDolmen
  • Spikes
  • Uniway
  • Valo
  • Ventigrate
  • Xylos
  • CTG
  • Rencore
  • Skybow
  • ShareGate

Please, if you attend these free events make sure you visit the sponsor vendors and make them feel that their contribution is valued and worthwhile.


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