It’s been a while..

Well a week or so since I found an untidy solution to the Excel properties predicament. I’ll be honest, I’ve not spent a lot of time looking at that this week as I’ve had to concentrate on the functionality of the communications between the spreadsheet cost model and the actual back-end data systems that will do thefinancials reporting.

We’re getting there as they used to say in British Rail, but I’ll hopefully actually make it there in the end.. This week has been much playtesting of the spreadsheeting and trapping unforseen errors…

My one absolute BUGBEAR this week tho is SCOPE CREEP! If you’re not familiar with the term, it’s where you have an agreed set of objectives and then part way into the project the client tells you that there is something else it needs to do…!!

In my case, the users need to be able to run this system at home using a VPN channel based around a secure application manager. So my tidy little LDAP functions will need to be tested over that now. I’ve had my security team open the relevant ports to the AD servers and now need to test it.

This also impacts the SQL calls, I think some heavy testing from home is going to be needed to ensure that we don’t hit any timing problems!

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