I don’t subscribe to many blogs, but one I do read on a regular basis is that of @Wictor, a SharePoint MVP from Sweden. Just recently he posted an interesting article about calling a WCF service from JQuery. He was prompted to post this article in response to the original article on the SharePoint Developer’s …
Category: Uncategorized
Feb 08
How to get around the calculated fields with People pickers!
If you’ve spent any time using SharePoint and the calculated columns features that are available to you, it won’t have taken long to notice that their are some caveats to their use. The primary cause of pain being that lookup fields cannot be used in calculated columns. In my case the People Picker. Just to …
Jan 25
Making SharePoint workspace available to Office applications.
Bizarrely, out of the box there is no link to the Workspace within the Office clients. This needs to be added manually. To do this, click the windows Icon (The old start menu), then on your name. This will open an explorer window showing several folder Icons. Simply right click Workspaces and drag it onto …
Oct 05
Quiet again..
Well yes just for now.. I’ve just changed consultancies and am just coming up to speed in the new role. Expect lots of SharePoint 2010 focus from now on…
Feb 03
New Year, New Start?? Balony!
Judging by the date, things haven’t changed much for me at the moment. Since getting back from SPC09, work has been Manic! I’m generally leaving on a Sunday night to head to the West Country, then coming home and heading to the Midlands the next day, before heading back to the West Country towards the …
Jul 05
Pre-populating the BDC item picker in an application page
Adam Toth wrote a very good article on his old blog about using the BDC Entity Picker in an application page. Click here for the article. What Adam didn’t cover however is what happens if you want to pre-load that picker with some information. In my instance, I was copying a list item with BDC …
May 07
Using JQuery to remove Linked List Items Hyperlinks – Revisited
So in an earlier post I talked about using JQuery to remove the A tag that is automatically included in the rendering of a linked list item in display mode. I really liked this solution as it avoided having to go to the lengths of writing a custom field to solve this and can be …
Apr 14
European SharePoint Best Practices Conference
Well last week saw the first European SharePoint Best practices conference organised by Combined Knowledge here in London. The event, located at the QEII Conference centre in Westminster was exceptionally well run by Combined Knowledge, Steve and the gang certainly know how to run a user event and all of the staff from CK and …
Apr 18
State machines cont….
Well I’ve had some fun doing the layout of the workflow onto the state machine designer page. It’s certainly a very different feel to building the Sequential style of workflows and I can understand why anyone who has developed the state machine workflows always says, ‘mess around with Sequential ones first”. There is a very …
Apr 17
Time for a state machine?
The library summary webpart that I’ve been working on over the last week is now at a point where I can put it in front of the UAT board and show them the different flavours. Flexibility was the key with this part as I wanted to avoid having to keep re-writing webparts for each different …