Display Templates Session video from SharePoint Saturday Stockholm is now up.

In all the fun of getting back to work after Las Vegas and SPC14, I forgot to post on here that Matthias Einig had finished processing the recording of my Display Templates Session video and all the others from SharePoint Saturday Stockholm in January.

This YouTube link takes you to my session, and the other sessions are all on the right hand navigation.


I know this must have taken some considerable time to get organised, so I’m grateful to him and the team for getting these done. Especially as I know he’s gearing up for the SP24 Conference in April now..

And if you don’t know about SP24? Why not.. it’s only the worlds first 24 hour follow the sun online virtual conference! If you’re not registered, get registered soon! Click on the logo below to visit the site for registration and more info (or visit http://www.sp24conf.com)!


Also in April, I have the pleasure of speaking at SharePoint Saturday Belgium in Brussels on April 26th. This event was excellent fun as an attendee last year and I look forward to attending as a speaker this year.
I’ll be presenting the Display Templates sessions that I did at SPS Stockholm, but with some different demos and a few changes to the presentation following some positive feedback from the community.

Click on the logo below for more information.


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